Yves Citton is professor of French Literature of the 18th Century at the Université de Grenoble-3 and a member of the umrLIRE(CNRS 5611). He taught for 12 years in the department of French and Italian of the University of Pittsburgh, PA, after getting his PhD from the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and has been invited Professor at New York University, Harvard and Sciences-Po Paris.
He co-directs the journal Multitudesand writes regular chronicles in the Revue des Livres. He also animates the weekly radio show Zazirocratie on Radio Campus Grenoble 90.8 FM, with past programs downloadable from this site.
He has published a dozen books, including Pour une interprétation littéraire des controverses scientifiques (Éditions Quae, 2013), Gestes d’humanités. Anthropologie sauvage de nos expériences esthétiques (Paris, Armand Colin, 2012), Renverser l’insoutenable (Paris, Seuil, 2012), Zazirocratie. Très curieuse introduction à la biopolitique et à la critique de la croissance (Paris, Éditions Amsterdam, 2011), L’Avenir des Humanités. Économie de la connaissance ou cultures de l’interprétation ? (Paris, Éditions de la Découverte, 2010), Mythocratie. Storytelling et imaginaire de gauche (Paris, Éditions Amsterdam, 2010), Lire, interpréter, actualiser. Pourquoi les études littéraires ? (Paris, Éditions Amsterdam, 2007) and L’Envers de la liberté. L’invention d’un imaginaire spinoziste dans la France des Lumières (Paris, Éditions Amsterdam, 2006, which won the Prix Rhône-Alpes du Livre 2007).
He has also published more than a hundred articles, most of which can be downloaded from this site, as well as a few talks and interviews, in audio or video.